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How Employees of Private Companies Can Sue Over Discrimination in Georgia

  Unlike many other states, Georgia does not have a comprehensive anti-discrimination law that shields private employees. Instead, those who work for private companies must rely on federal laws, which are enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), plus a small handful of state laws that address specific types of discrimination. The Georgia Fair Read More

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Executive Order Regarding LGBT Workplace Discrimination

Executive Order Looks to End Federal LGBT Job Discrimination Can U.S. employees be fired for being gay? If the answer was “yes” before, it moved a lot closer to “no”, as President Obama recently signed a new executive order aimed at ending LGBT discrimination in the federal workplace. Each month seems to bring a new Read More

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LGBT Job Discrimination Illegal? Federal Court Says Maybe

In a groundbreaking new ruling, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia suggests that discriminating against employees on the basis of their sexual orientation may violate Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. While the decision isn’t binding outside the Court’s jurisdiction, it signals what could become a seismic shift in Read More

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United States Supreme Court Raises Bar for Discrimination Claims

The U.S. Supreme Court recently announced two decisions, Vance v. Ball State University, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center v. Nassar, which make it more difficult for workers to prove they suffered employment discrimination. In Vance, the Court narrowed the definition of “supervisor” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, rejecting the definition Read More

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Have You Been Sexually Harassed?

Sexual harassment is illegal when it creates a hostile work environment or results in the victim being fired or demoted. A harasser could be anyone in the workplace, including a supervisor, a co-worker, or a customer. Although Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not formally list sexual harassment as a form of discrimination, Read More

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You Met Your Sales Goal But You Still Lost Your Job

When you joined a new software company based in Atlanta, Georgia, you signed a contract that guaranteed you a bonus based on meeting and exceeding your annual sales numbers. As one of the top salespeople in your company, you have a proven track record of success over the last two years. However, the company was Read More

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Transgender Sex Discrimination Case Decided by the 11th Circuit

In a federal discrimination lawsuit, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit ruled in favor of a transgender woman who was immediately fired from her state job after her employer learned of her intent to transition from male to female. Vandy Beth Glenn filed her claim after she was fired as a legislative Read More

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Glass Ceilings and Maternal Walls

Cecely Rogers worked as a cosmetologist for retailer J.C. Penney at a Las Vegas store for two years. When Ms. Rogers relocated to Georgia, her employer indicated she was eligible for rehire. In June 2010, Ms. Rogers was pregnant and applied for work as a cosmetologist at the J.C. Penney store in Brunswick, Georgia. Told Read More

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First to Be Fired — Last to Be Hired

Job searching is a daunting task for anyone, especially in this economy. But for older workers, age discrimination can add to the difficulty of finding work. Jim Pawlak worked as a customer service representative at Xerox for 20 years. When the company announced job lay-offs, Pawlak was one of the first to go. The 48-year-old Read More

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What to Do if You Have a Discrimination Claim

One of the first steps in pursuing a workplace discrimination claim against your employer is to file a formal complaint with the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (EEOC). But without proof, it’s just your word against your employer’s. How can you prove that your employer discriminated against you? To prevail in an employment discrimination lawsuit, you Read More

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